How to earn money online through youtube


How to earn money online through youtube

There is no doubt about it, YouTube is among the most popular sites to earn money online. The fact that you can do so with a simple video is very attractive. You can either use your computer or tablet for this. A lot of people have made their living out of making YouTube videos and doing what they like in their spare time. If you want to make something that will get views on the Internet then making YouTube videos would be a good option. Your audience is divided into two groups. First group has one problem which may concern them while second group knows exactly what they want. They know more than you do, hence, you should share information with them and present them the right way.

To become successful as an entrepreneur, you need to first understand who your target audience is. Knowing them is essential in order to be successful. After understanding these criteria, you need to start sharing content with your fans who are your targeted audience. Share useful, informative things with your fans. Start spreading by uploading useful information and tutorials to the social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. Use Facebook pages like as well for your benefit but do not go overboard. Follow all your followers so that they follow back you too. Make them feel important as you are not just giving them suggestions; you are also educating them on various things. It takes some money to run a channel; however, you should also invest in other marketing strategies to grow your business. If you have already got some subscribers who are regular visitors, then you should offer discounts and giveaways regularly to retain them as loyal customers.

Nowadays the internet is flooded with millions of social media shares every day. Every single person on earth has his/her own channels. Nowadays there are over 100 Million active YouTube channels and thousands of thousands of individual YouTube channels. People from different parts of the world upload quality content everyday. In the world where everyone finds himself, everything has a base on YouTube. That’s why today it became a part of our life. Let us look at how much we earn.

How Much Does Earning On YouTube?

When you have created an account on YouTube, a huge number of viewers come to watch your videos. When your videos get enough response they earn a certain amount of money depending on the topic and the category. This is called recurring earnings. As per statistics, 80% of creators earn less than $100 daily.

How Can I Earn Money On YouTube?

As an example, let us take any popular and highly watched YouTube video. Below is a list of ways to earn money on YouTube. This list consists of multiple sources and proven techniques that the best producers use in their live streaming programs. These include direct advertising on YouTube. So how do we increase our earnings on YouTube?

1) Engaging with Followers and Subscribers

If you find yourself getting bored with all sorts of YouTube channels or even if you don’t see any worth doing, a little engagement could work wonders for your business and show off your knowledge in front of many people. One thing YouTube does is attracting potential subscribers and creating the possibility of monetizing their views. Engagement is one of the best tools on the internet, thus, it’s one must-have tool for anyone wishing to generate passive income. You can engage with your subscriber who wants more content by commenting below your videos or uploading a comment. By doing so you help your subscriber to discover new topics on YouTube and keep learning. Also, it keeps them updated with latest trends on YouTube.

2) Commenting

One of the easiest ways of improving your engagement is by engaging with people’s comments on your videos. If a few people give you some helpful tips or advice which you could incorporate in your website or product, you can use that to improve your brand image too. Many times users are interested in listening to another person’s opinion and adding their input in your creation. Commenting helps your channel to spread faster. More and more people join YouTube to listen to your videos and share your knowledge.

3) Participating in Live Stream Events

Participating in live streams and events is a strategy used by many marketers. However, when a particular company launches a launch event then participation in live stream events is mandatory. Most of the time, live streams generate high ticket sales and lead to the sale of products. Sometimes, companies launch special live event for their consumers. For example, Disney World starts its event called ‘The Magic Behind The Storybook’ on June 19th and ends on July 7, 2014. With a large audience, a specific event generated 50 million revenue which was around $5 billion in total. Another famous event is Microsoft Build conference hosted by Bill Gates in 1999. Along with big financial gains, he also achieved success with his contribution. He earned $60 million through donations and sponsorships. And now Microsoft has more than 400 million users and almost 17 billion dollars in revenues.

4) Sponsorships

Sponsoring and ads on YouTube has turned out to be a lucrative source for advertisers who want to promote their wares. Since there is lack of competition in digital advertising, there is always a demand for sponsorship. Some good examples of sponsored content are YouTube series and documentaries on Amazon Prime. Similarly, some bad examples of sponsored content are YouTube movies on Netflix. Good examples of sponsored content are YouTube celebrities and news channels using their fame for promoting their brands and businesses. At times, such as Coca Cola and Samsung, they sponsor live shows and games. Sponsorship content is mostly aimed at generating higher earning for the creators.

5) Promoting Videos

Promotion is something which is hard to ignore because every piece of content on YouTube generates a small profit. You are required to put up advertisements to increase your brand awareness and visibility across all types of platforms. Whether it is via affiliate programs, TikTok content promotion, or paid advertisement, you always have to ensure that your videos get viewed. YouTube has more than 200 million registered users. Therefore, you can promote your brand easily. Just make sure to spend a fixed time to reach your audience in YouTube. Moreover, create a profile page here as well on YouTube but try to keep it private. Keep your video protected from malicious elements. Lastly, add subtitles for every language on your channel. All these ways you can win more followers and earn money on your YouTube channel. Try to implement all these methods and increase your popularity.


Creating videos on YouTube has been my passion since the age of 12. I know it can be difficult to succeed with YouTube, as everyone has their own idea of what he believes is the best way to convey it. Although the best thing that you can do is to learn from someone who is already doing it. Think about your interest in becoming a top rated filmmaker and share your ideas without hesitation. There are lots of possibilities that exist with YouTube. Investing in it is surely going to change your life for ever. Don’t miss the opportunity to start making YouTube YouTube earning videos and make your life better.

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